b o l l i d r a w s  ®

The Bollidraws ® pattern was created in 2007 and its premise was to seek a unique language that united art and design applied to environments and products, generating a differentiated identity and promoting a unique communication with its audience.

All drawings in the Bollidraws ®  style are constructed from the geometry of circular shapes and their intersections. As a flat circle (area), and the circumference (line) are used for the design of infinite combinations resulting in applicable visual elements (surface design) and usable (products).

The difference is in the interpretation of each figure that is drawn through an artistic eye, bringing humanity to the figures in a fun and functional way.



architecture / decoration

stationery / editorial





seal (book ora bolas! colorindo o mundo animal)


bed, table and bath





shark (book ora bolas! colorindo o mundo animal)

book ora bolas! colorindo o mundo animal 
30 drawings to color on separate slides

book - ora bolas! colorindo o mundo animal

single blades 26x26cm

illustration - hipoppotamus (book - ora bolas! colorindo o mundo animal)
illustrration - squirrel (book - ora bolas! colorindo o mundo animal)
illusttration - rhinoceros (book - ora bolas! colorindo o mundo animal)
illustration - flamingo (book - ora bolas! colorindo o mundo animal)
illustration - chameleon (book - ora bolas! colorindo o mundo animal)
illustration - eagle (book - ora bolas! colorindo o mundo animal)

bollifield tray
Winner (3rd place – by the technical jury) in the 3rd Acrylic Design Award)

bollifield tray -  Winner (3rd place – by the technical jury) in the 3rd Acrylic Design Award)


b o l l i d r a w s    i l l u s t r a t i o n s


são paulo  j a n u a r y


são paulo (bollidraws®)


rio de janeiro f e b r u a r y


rio de janeiro (bollidraws®)


toquio m a r c h


toquio (bollidraws®)


new york a p r i l


new york (bollidraws®)


cairo  m a y


cairo (bollidraws®)


manila  j u n e


manila (bollidraws®)


buenos aires  j u l y


buenos aires (bollidraws®)


new delhi  a u g u s t


nova delhi (bollidraws®)


peking  s e p t e m b e r


pequim (bollidraws®)


karachi  o c t o b e r


karachi (bollidraws®)


moscow  n o v e m b e r


moscou (bollidraws®)

paris  d e c e m b e r


paris (bollidraws®)

b o l l i p e r s o n s

bollifofa (bollidraws®)


bollivintage (bollidraws®)


bolliold (bollidraws®)


bollicanga (bollidraws®)


bolliball (bollidraws®)


bollicrow (bollidraws®)


bolliskate (bollidraws®)


bolliindian (bollidraws®)


bollimuscle (bollidraws®)
